Webinar E-Learning & IOT Platform Batch 2

profil Team MAPID



It's been a nice day for us all !!!

We have completed our E-Learning & IoT Platform Batch 2 Webinar. We never thought that there would be more participants than our first webinar. This time, participants not only saw the entire presentation but also joined and contributed to the E-Learning 4.0 group.

Initially, our founder Bagus introduced MAPID products briefly and our vision of MAKING INDONESIA 4.0 together through the MAPID ecosystem. He explained about NOW, GEO, and IOT MAPID as integrated location-based platforms and data analytic solutions. and after that he allowed our CTO Machrus to explain the new IOT MAPID E-Learning 4.0 features.

There are six new features on IOT MAPID E-Learning 4.0. Firstly, the user (teacher/group creator) can create a new group. After creating a group, the user can add a student/participant to the group. To manage permission for the group, the user can also set the group permission as open to allow public access or restrict.

After creating a group, the group creator can create a new folder to manage tasks and report documentation. After creating a new folder, all user in the same E-Learning group can create and view each other document.

WELL! It's demo time...

After Machrus created the E-Learning & IoT Platform Batch 2 group, users who are ready to join the "live coding" are asked immediately to be invited to the group. We are grateful because many users wanted to join and practice "E-Learning 4.0".

After that, Machrus (as a teacher) makes assignments using documents

  1. 1.
    Schematic drawing
  1. 2.
    Cable drawing
  1. 3.
    Real-time data screenshot
  1. 4.
    Warming temperature sensor
  1. 5.
    Screenshot of the Early Warning System
  1. 6.
    Share source code
  1. 7.
    And the idea of the made device

And Egi (developer of MAPID IoT as a student) shares his screen and completes the task by doing direct coding and writing reports.

So, what's the difference between a normal E-Learning Platform?

Teachers can create assignments for their students to build and program their own IoT devices. Students can create API credentials on the IOT MAPID platform, and use it as an address to send IoT data to the IOT MAPID in real-time. API calls used by all students will be summarized and charged to group makers (teacher / educational institutions).

Haris Ega, one of the participants, completed the assignment successfully. The IoT device sends temperature and humidity data seamlessly. He also wrote his report diligently. You can see the report through this link.


Many participants from several vocational high schools and universities appreciated the IOT MAPID E-Learning 4.0 platform and this event useful. Of course, this is the beginning of Making Indonesia 4.0. We believe that our E-Learning Platform and collaboration between MAPID and educational institutions will make "Making Indonesia 4.0" faster.

See you at next webinar 😎🙏

Let's Make Indonesia 4.0



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Terms and Conditions
  • MAPID is a platform that provides Geographic Information System (GIS) services for managing, visualizing, and analyzing geospatial data.
  • This platform is owned and operated by PT Multi Areal Planing Indonesia, located at
  • mapid-ai-maskot