One-stop Location Analytics Platform Solutions

Drive Strategic Decisions with Tailored Location Intelligence: From Asset Monitoring and Data Integration to Your Unique Objectives.

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Easy to read spatial based data visualitazion to inform and generate accurate insight for your data-driven business. It's flexible & can be integrated to any business and every industry!
Here is one of the utilitazion for FMCG company:
  • Maximize potential growth by monitoring retail management from omzet to brand distribution
  • Manage & boost sales productivity by salesperson tracking & route management

From Data to Decisions: Insights that Drive Strategy

See our cloud-native platform generate insight to achieve your goals

Data Integration

Data Integration

Easily connecting IoT devices, servers, and APIs. It merges diverse data sources into a unified system, providing comprehensive geospatial insights with enhanced visualization for a better decision-making.

Data Management

Data Management

Leverages advanced geospatial technology for real-time tracking of various assets, such as lots, pipelines, fleets, outlets, and more. This enhances operational efficiency by optimizing coordination and planning among stakeholders.

Location Analytics

Location Analytics

Integrate diverse data sources to deliver optimal location analysis insights for your business goals. Whether analyzing site risks and potentials, accessibility, market research, or more. Our platform ensures you have the information needed to make informed decisions.

Industry Categories

See how MAPID answer various spatial questions and give detail location insights in many industries


City Planning

Climate & Disaster

Consumer Goods



Food & Beverages



IT & Services


Marine & Hydrology


Real Estate




Supply Chain



Hear from Our Valued Clients

Make your request!

We are here to help! Whether you have questions about our services, need guidance for your project, or just want to provide feedback, our team is here to help. Your experience and satisfaction is our top priority.

Contact Us Here


MAPID is a prominent location analytics platform in Indonesia that provides advanced geospatial data analysis and insights. It helps businesses make informed decisions through its comprehensive tools for collecting, integrating, visualizing, and analyzing location data.
This can vary depending on usage and the number of users. We offer three types of licenses: Personal, Business, and Enterprise.
Yes, it is possible. Our system is highly flexible and can be integrated seamlessly with your company's existing systems. Please contact us for a consultation to discuss your specific needs and how we can help
MAPID sources its data from credible and high-quality providers to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Data Publications

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Muhamad Fauzan Fadil...
Thumbnail Publikasi MAPID 2

1 Projects

3 Data

Memperkuat Pelayanan Publik: Peran Pemetaan Objek Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah dal...

Ferel Fadillah
Kampung Adat Cirendeu

1 Projects

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Pemetaan Partisipatif Batas Wilayah dan Analisis Potensi Bencana Kampung Adat Ci...

EV Charging Station Distribution

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Analisis Spasial Kecukupan Infrastruktur Pengisi Daya Kendaraan Listrik dan Pelu...

Wahyu Dwi Setyawan
Peta Sebaran Kejadian Gempa Bumi Tahun 2010-2021

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4 Data

Kapasitas Civitas Akademika Universitas Pasundan Kampus IV Setiabudhi Terhadap B...

Amalia Fatihah Khiar...
Penentuan Lokasi!

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Mengatasi Kesenjangan Listrik: Misi Sumba Menuju 100% Elektrifikasi dan Energi T...

Fariz Rizaldy Wibowo
Titik persebaran fasilitas pendidikan di Kabupaten Magelang

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Analisis Keterjangkauan Fasilitas Pendidikan di Kabupaten Magelang

Safira Ardelia Oktav...
Petani Memanen Padi (Sumber : Antara Foto)

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Analisis Dinamika Produksi Padi di Pulau Jawa : Periode 2018-2022

Syahrul Ramadhan

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Pemetaan Lokasi SPBU Pertamina di Bandung: Pola Sebaran, Keterjangkauan, dan Ana...

Lia Berliana
Zona Agroekologi

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Penentuan Zona Agroekologi Untuk Arahan Komoditas Pertanian Holtikultura di Kabu...

M. Ilham Habib