Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

11/11/2022 • Almira S N

Kesesuaian Lahan (Middle-up)

Kesesuaian Lahan (Middle-low)

Potential Locations for Economic Growth from the TOD Area Policy Direction, Jakarta

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta
Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

F&B Business and Opportunities in Jakarta

Indonesia's food and beverage (F&B) business opportunities are quite promising, especially in Jakarta. As Indonesia's capital and bustling center, it is not surprising that Jakarta is the ideal city to develop this business. This is because the majority of the people work in the tertiary (services) and quaternary (information and technology-based services) sectors which are no longer related to food production (Statistics Jakarta, 2022).

In addition, the behavior of people in Jakarta is relatively consumptive, making this city ideal as an F&B business market (Adzkiya, 2017). The community's behavior also impacts their consumption patterns, where workers prefer buying rather than cooking food. Of course, this impacts the development of the F&B business in Jakarta. One type of F&B business that is increasingly popular is the F&B Express business.

What is F&B Express Business?

This business is a type of business that runs in the food and beverage business that prioritizes stop-and-go and service delivery without providing dine-in. Usually, the FnB Express business is identical to the fast food and beverage business, requiring a simple kitchen and a not-so-wide space to prepare customer orders.

This business generally uses the concept and system of serving services that are efficient and practical, adapted to the lifestyle of the community, especially for workers who have a high level of mobility (BPS, 2020). This project was created to project Cilandak District as a new economic development area in Jakarta to establish an F&B Express business. The researchers classify the opportunities of two types of classes in this business development into low-medium and medium-high.

Cilandak sub-district was chosen as the observation location because this area will be developed as a Transit Oriented Area (TOD), there are the first and last stops for MRT transportation modes, and the land use is dominated by mixed land use.

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

Photos source: pinterest.com

Data and Methods

The weighted overlay is used to analyze strategic locations to build an F&B Express business in Cilandak District. Some of the data and criteria used in conducting the analysis are:

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

Results and Discussion

The collection and processing analysis results were weighted overlay according to the weighted criteria in the table above. It is known that the area has the potential to build an F&B Express business according to the low-middle and middle-high is the Lebak Bulus area. This is because this area has been developed as a TOD area following Pergub No 15 Tahun 2020 with the Lebak Bulus MRT Station, the second busiest MRT station and the earliest and final departure point for the MRT.

Middle-Low Land Use Suitability

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

Middle-High Land Use Suitability

Lokasi-Lokasi Potensial untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dari Arah
Kebijakan Area TOD, Jakarta

The Lebak Bulus area has the potential to develop a mixed-function land of 200,000 m2. This is due to the influence of the TOD area on the Lebak Bulus MRT station. Thus, this area makes it suitable to be used as an F&B Express business location in Jakarta.


Almira S N, Bagas Wahyu Lazuardi, Mira Maha Devani, Naufal Abiyyu, Qonieta Maulidya 


Adzkiya, A. (2017). Analysis of Consumptive Behavior of the Jakarta Society and its Driving Factors. Accessed from: https://repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/41875/2/ANNISA%20ADZKIYA-FEB.pdf on 28 September 2022

Central Bureau of Statistics, 2020. Analysis of Labor Mobility. Jakarta: Central Bureau of Statistics.

Jakarta Statistics. 2022. WORKERS IN DKI JAKARTA IN AUGUST 2021. Accessed from: https://statistik.jakarta.go.id/pekerja-di-dki-jakarta-pada-agustus-2021/ on 28 September 2022

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