Site Suitability Analysis for Urban Development in Indonesia’s New Capital City.
Abstract : City of Penajem Paser Utara and Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, has been planned as the new Capital City of Indonesia since The President of Indonesia declared it since 23rd December 2019. The new Capital City ought to be the new main of economy, culture and social life center of Indonesia. One or more reason of the relocation plan is due to some factors, such as uncontrolable overpopulation, pollution problems, traffic congestion, and flood hazards. If the Capital City relocation is come to fruition in the future to come, there will be absolutely a lot of inevitable changes inside the city's Urban Morphology, one of them is large amount of Urbanization onto the city itself. Therefore, it is only up to us, who can maximize the potential of Indonesia's effort to improve the Capital City relocation plan by analyze billions of the city's characteristics data and took several evaluations from it.
Key words: GIS, urban development, environment, remote sensing
Urban development and migration of population from rural to urban areas are global phenomenon. Any small and isolated population centers are rapidly changing into large metropolitan cities and hence the conversion of natural land to urban is quite obvious (Hauser et al., 1982). Applied remote sensing and Geographic Information Technology (GIS) could be used to analyze the site suitability for each individual locations to gather insights from the location.
Ashraf (2001) took the advantage of GIS technology to analyze the history of urban development in Kharga City, Egypt, then used the analysis for main direction planning of the city.
Yogesh (2020) use GIS technology and integrate it with multi-criteria analysis decision using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to make the site suitability analysis for water conversation in Upper Sina River Catchment, Ahmednagar, India. His study used severeal geological data as parameters to enhance his level of analysis.
Scope of Study : City of Penajem Paser Utara, and Kutai Kartanegara located in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The majority land use and land cover throughout the city is mainly agricultural plantation, mine, and forestry.

Methodology : Google Earth Engine was used to gather several satelite imagery including Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS C2 Level 1 and ALOS PALSAR. The study also used INA-GEOPORTRAL website to gather vector data from both city.
The Landsat 8 imagery was cleaned using several cloud masking functions using GEE API to enhance its quality. The ALOS PALSAR imagery was also gathered with its highest quality using built in feature in NASA Earth Data. The vector data gathered from INA-GEOPORTAL also rasterized using Euclidean Distance function in ArcGIS with the highest quality possible.
In order to find out the conclusion of this study, all the data derived from the satellite mentioned above was gathered and processed and combined into a one suitability analysis evaluation map.

For any suitability analysis, adequate source data is needed to serve as the basis of the study. Location based data that can be used for modelling the suitabilty map are: land use or land cover data, slope data, proximity of transportasion network, and water bodies for flood hazard analysis (Sunil, 1998).
Selection of different parameters for suitability analysis:
Following are the parameters that had been considered as vital data to support the study.
1.Land Use/Land Cover
2.Flood hazard
3.Slope Analysis
4.Road Accessibility
Land Use/Land Cover: Land Use/Land Cover map is a representative of a city land surface information using several classification. To simplify the vast amount of land surface information, this study using five classification, which is Urban/Mining, Water Bodies, Vacant, Forest, and agriculture. Each of the classification has it own score and weight related to other parameters, which will be covered in later section.

Flood Hazard: Looking back to the Indonesia's current capital city, DKI Jakarta, flood disaster had been one of the main problem in the city. Area near major rivers has a higher risk of flood disaster. Therefore the study took the rivers data across the study area into consideration. The study uses the river vector data and buffered the rivers data into some classes based on the distance from each river in meters (m). The following class elements are :
1.0m-100m (High risk of flood hazard)
2.100m-250m (Medium risk of flood hazard)
3.250m-500m (Low risk of flood hazard)
4.>500m (Vey low risk of flood hazard)

Road accessibility: In this study, in order to analyse the accessibility level across the study area, the study used the same method as in the flood hazard parameter and also divided into some classes based on the distance from every roads in meters (m). The following class elements are :
1.0m-200m (Very good road accessibility)
2.200m-500m (Good road accessibility)
3.500m-1000m (Moderate road accessibility)
4.1000m-2000m (Poor road accessibility)
5.>2000m (Very poor road accessibility)

Slope analysis: the study used slope analysis because of obvious reasons. The main reason is because a certain level of slope of a terrain could lead to a erotion. The slope analysis also used classification and classes using slope percentage (%). The following class elements are :
1.<10% (Very good road accessibility)
2.10%-15% (Good road accessibility)
3.15%-30% (Moderate road accessibility)
4.30%-45% (Poor road accessibility)
5.>45% (Very poor road accessibility)

Suitability scoring and weighting
For suitability analysis, it is neccesary to score each of every class of each parameters to gain the ability to see which category is the most suitable (10), until the least suitable (0). After some careful consideration, and many research from various papers, the suitable scoring table is as shown below.

Due to the study used multiple parameters, each of the parameters are also neccessary to have it's own weight. After some careful consideration, and many research from various papers, the suitable weighting table is as shown below.

after scoring each of the class for every parameters, and also weighting the parameters itself, the next step is to do the weighted overlay proccess. The weighted overlay proccess itself, basically combining all the different parameters into one single conclusion in a map. Below are the result of the final proccess.

The majority of the soon to be new capital city of Indonesia suitabillity analysis is not suitable for urban development (41%). Major contributor of the suitability level being low is due to the major amount of mining sites and inadequate road accessibility. Even though majority of the area is not suitable for urban development, doesnt mean it will always be.
The reccommended action after this conclusion is to do further analysis for other concern like environmental or bussiness development around the new still growing capital city. Also, with this only analysis, the government or companies could strategize the urban development in the highly suitable areas, and improve the unsuitable areas.